July 2023

Singita Grumeti: July 2023


Singita Grumeti: July 2023

July has been a very dry month here on the Grumeti Reserve, with little rain. Since the last great herds of wildebeest slipped away to the north, towards the Mara River, many zebra and eland have been seen occupying the plains of the central regions.

Wildlife viewing has been excellent with the grasslands drying out and receding with the sheer numbers of herd animals passing through. Elephant numbers have been great throughout the reserve and we have had some fantastic cat sightings this month.

The mega-herds of wildebeest arrived upon the Mara River on the 21st of the month and began crossing as they continue to push north towards the Mara Conservancy. The wildebeest surge in their magnificent numbers making the most of the green pastures in the north.

A sightings snapshot for July follows:


Lovely lion sightings this month on the Grumeti Reserve.

The six large males still occupy the central region and their youngsters are growing stronger by the day.

Hunting has been pretty good for these big cats as many zebra flood back into the Grumeti. At times the lions have been focusing once again on buffalo.

The Nyasirori Pride have shifted off the Raho drainage, south of Sabora to the edge of the Sabora plains/Ridge Hills region. This pride is doing well with ten youngsters of five months old currently. The lionesses are looking strong and well.


Leopard sightings this month have been good with quality time spent with individuals in the Fara Faru and Sasakwa areas.

The Grumeti North drainage male has offered some great sightings very close to Faru Faru Lodge.

Another younger male has also been sighted in the Grumeti North drainage region.

A young male has been observed close to Sasakwa Hill, on the western edges of the rhino IPZ.


The “Veteran” male cheetah has been sighted a number of times within his territory close to Koroya Hill, within the central plains.

Another male has also been sighted in the area. This male is also comfortable with the vehicles and has offered some awesome viewing as he hunts young wildebeest.

Out in the western regions sighting of the mother and four youngsters has been great! She and her young have been observed up on the high ground, south of Sabora, a handful of times this month.


Good herds of elephants were observed this month, especially along the Grumeti River during the heat of the day.

Sasakwa Dam has had some awesome spectacles of elephants arriving at the water to drink and bathe.

Some large bulls have been spotted from time to time wandering the plains and frequenting the lodge water holes.


Buffalo herds are always impressive here on the Grumeti. Their total numbers are up to between 11 000 and 12 000 now, according to recent census.

Some lovely large resident herds sighted in the central and westerns regions.


Some great sightings of both bull and cow rhinos within the IPZ.

Earlier in the month these two animals were spotted very close together one morning.

All Ikorongo rhino are well and accounted for despite moving significant distances.

By Jenny Hishin
Author / Field Guide