April 2023

Singita Grumeti: April 2023


Singita Grumeti: April 2023

April has been a month of mostly crisp mornings followed by afternoon showers. Sometimes big thunder and lightning storms and other times soft, soaking rain. The grass is long with green bases and golden blades fighting for space and light. When the wind blows over the larger grass plains, it looks like water, as the grass blades bend and reflect the light. Damp cats snooze in the waves of grass, warming up in the morning light, and elephants trample long wakes through the grass – mothers leading the way and the smaller calves following at their heels. Frogs call from all the little ponds and streams, and some of the birds are still nesting and busying themselves with the necessary daily chores of life.

A sightings snapshot for April follows:


The Butamtam Pride new males continued to be seen along Chui Link, Koroya Hill and Pundamilia areas, and their main meals were buffalos. Interesting to note that the coalition of six are not often seen together these days – could they split into two smaller coalitions in time?

Nyasirori Pride members were seen often at the Nyasirori high ground near the Serengeti National Park boundary spending time on either side of the boundary.

There have been audios of Butamtam Pride members along Sasakwa Hill and along Kombre Drainage during the night.

Two young lions have been seen for quite a long time, spending their time at the beginning of Raho Drainage.


We had some good male leopard sightings this month and our guests had amazing viewing.

Mbogo Drainage male was seen along Mbogo Drainage and Rhino Rocks area and he is in good shape.

A very big but shy male was seen with a large African rock python kill draped in a tree, and he would run down the tree every time he heard a vehicle.

There was a new and very relaxed male sighted this month along Hyena Den Road and we think he came from the Serengeti National Park.

Another leopard was seen often east of Koroya Hill, along Sand Road and watershed area. He was also relaxed, and he has a unique patch behind the shoulder.

A female and her two cubs have moved from Rubana River and have established their new territory in between Dik Dik Ridge and the rhino sanctuary.


The mother and four cubs continued to be seen at the Nyasirori high ground and they are all in a very good condition. Having four cubs she is forced to hunt every day and their main prey is Thomson’s gazelles.

The Sasakwa veteran male was also seen on numerous occasions hunting at the central part of Sasakwa plain. We saw him walk from one bush to another searching for reedbuck and warthog piglets. The grass being long, he was seen often sitting or lying up on top of termite mounds to get a better view of prey and enemies like lions. Towards the end of the month, he was seen limping (front left leg) and looking quite thin. We are watching to see how his recovery goes.


Great elephant sightings this month across the reserve. While the grass is long in most areas of the reserve the elephants are concentrated feeding on it.

Large herds of elephants were seen on the slopes of Bangwesi Hill and along Grumeti River.

Faru Faru areas were great for elephants most afternoons as they paid a visit to drink at the waterhole in front of the lodge and in the river as well.

A big herd spent a few nights on Sasakwa Hill mid-month, and then again at the end of the month.


Large herds of hundreds of buffalos were seen in many areas of the concession mowing the grassy plains. Herds are looking strong and healthy – they are a formidable force for the lions to tackle.


All rhinos are doing well. There have been some lovely sightings of Eric the black rhino on the eastern side of the boma. Laikipia was also seen from Serengeti House, which was a bonus.

By Jenny Hishin
Author / Field Guide