November 2021

Singita Lamai: November 2021


Singita Lamai: November 2021

Almost all other safari operators have left the greater traversing area of the Lamai Wedge at this time, so it feels like this endless horizon area is entirely our own on long game drives. There are hardly any other people or vehicles around, and it is bliss!

Here’s a Sightings Snapshot for November:

The huge herds of wildebeest have moved south from the Lamai / Kogatende area. There are still some zebra that remain here and they move according to the rain storms that are passing through the area.

Resident wildlife
The territorial and resident animals are still around and with the short grasses it makes for great game viewing.
There are good numbers of giraffes, lions and elephants in the area. Buffalo are far less numerous although there is a herd that crosses between Kenya and Tanzania, due north of camp, along the border.

The hyena den near camp was very active with up to nine little ones of varying ages seen. Towards the end of the month it appeared that they had moved the den-site somewhere else.

River dwellers
Good hippo and crocodile viewing in the river, as the river continues to stay low.

There is a big male leopard who is missing his left eye. He lives in the area surrounding camp and he was seen a few times.

By Jenny Hishin
Author / Field Guide