Wellness at Kataza House
A stay at Singita Kwitonda Lodge is sure to awaken a sense of self-discovery and reflection as guests immerse themselves in one of the most remarkable natural places in the world.
Opportunities to retreat, relax and reflect are plentiful at Kwitonda as the lodge breathes a sense of peace, quiet and tranquility into its visitors. Warm fires, restful spaces, healthy food, yoga, meditation, massages, soft lighting and warm baths serve to nurture, comfort and rejuvenate guests as they connect with nature in a way they never have before.
The Singita wellness philosophy creates an environment for our urban-weary guests to reconnect to nature, revive their senses, restore their body and mind, and explore our African culture.
All treatments are offered in the comfort of guests’ suites or in the tranquility of their private outdoor deck.