Field Guide
Sabi Sand
Daniel Hartman
While Dan can’t quite recall his first African sunset or elephant sighting, what he does remember is that his journey into the magic of the African bush was determined from as young as four years old. Growing up spending every school holiday at a family property in a game reserve in the western Kruger National Park (and every other available opportunity at school daydreaming of the bush during class) he also developed an interest in the guiding and the safari industry as a whole early on.
After leaving school he moved directly into a guiding college in the Waterberg region of Southern Africa, where he embarked on his studies. After completing his formal education, he began his career with two years on a private concession north of the Kransberg/Marakele escarpment, before venturing to the world-famous Sabi Sand Game Reserve. After spending a few years based here, he was eventually able to fulfil his dream of joining the Singita family at Singita Sabi Sand.
A deep love of bush walks and entertaining guests has allowed him to adopt an approach to guiding that helps him to share this passion with others. He is currently working on his Professional Field Guide qualification.