Field Guide
Sabi Sand

Coleman Mnisi

Coleman was born in 1966 on the Sabi Sand Game Reserve, formerly called Exeter.

He cared for his family’s livestock which gave him a good veld education, but had to walk 7 km to get to the nearest school outside the reserve. They had to move off the reserve to a village in 1986 to start a new life – a huge adjustment which derailed Coleman’s schooling in Grade 8.

He started working as a gardener at Exeter Game Lodge, then as a waiter and then as a tracker, always aspiring to become a guide. This ambition became a reality shortly after joining Singita when he was sent on a guiding course at Phinda Game Reserve in 1997. Coleman’s ability and affinity for wildlife is tangible – small wonder he is admired as one of the most experienced guides and that he inspired his son, Coman, to follow in his footsteps.

Stories by Coleman Mnisi