Head Guide

Bradley Mark Fouché

Brad is the head guide at Singita Pamushana and has more than 10 years’ experience. He describes the camp as the most diverse biome he’s ever worked in with a great variety of fauna and flora in one place.

The panoramic expanse and mountains around Lake Kariba are one of his favorite settings, as is the harsh, dense, slightly dangerous and rugged landscape of Gonarezhou National Park.

He loves spending time around elephants and black rhino and describes once seeing a Dagga Boy (or old buffalo bull) take on and fend off an attack by 21 lions, nonchalantly walking into the water with two cats still on his back which persuaded them to jump off. He survived, fit and strong except for a few scratches and a missing tail.

Brad enjoys taking spur of the moment walks in the hope of finding new rock art sites or spotting rare birds.

Stories by Bradley Mark Fouché